Individuals, Couples, Families, Children, & Youth

Struggling with depression, anxiety, or stress?

Having difficulty dealing with grief or loss?

Overwhelmed by relationship or life challenges?

Losing hope that things will ever change? 


Whether you desire more stability, decreased conflict, better communication, or more satisfying relationships, our highly qualified therapists will work with you to help you reach your goals.

“I always felt understood and comfortable during our sessions. Almost all of my relationships have been affected and changed for the better. I am a different person than when I started.”
— a former client
“Morgan is a great listener and asks really poignant questions that help you uncover truths within. (She has) been instrumental in my journey towards healing. Thank you!”
— a former client
“My home has enjoyed peace now... I would not have made it this far without your help.”
— a former client
“Thank you for helping us learn to navigate our marriage during one of the hardest seasons in our life. We are forever grateful for the skills you’ve helped us learn and we will continue to use them in years to come!”
— former clients
“Our relationship has really evolved and changed for the better. Thank you so much for helping us fall deeper in love and grow closer together.”
— former clients

 To learn more about us, click here.

To ask a question or schedule an appointment, call us at 570-884-4662 x1, or fill out this easy form and one of our Care Coordinators will call you between 9am and 5pm Monday through Friday.

about us

Find out more about our therapists, marriage and family therapy, read additional testimonials and recommendations, and much more.

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how we can help

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